Friday, November 11, 2016

Retirement party for Birja Wati, Environmental Services Department at Stanford Health Care

Birja Wati has worked in the Environmental Services Department (EVS) at Stanford Health Care for 20 years. Last week the department held a retirement party for her which was also attended by all her family members coming from as far as Toronto, Canada!

According to Vijayanti Prasad, EVS Supervisor, who has worked with Birja for the past 20 years, "Birja is very dedicated to her job and she makes a lot of friends during her tenure. She is also a team player and puts her heart into everything she does. She will be missed but we are happy that she now has more time to spend with her family."

Ryan Shastri, Birja's grandson states that "Birja is a hard-working, dedicated and inspiring woman who has given the Stanford Hospital family 20 years of her service. From the green scrub days of SSA, to the final moments in blue of the EVS, Birja has created lifelong relationships and everlasting memories with her Stanford family. She would like to thank everyone that helped her in her Stanford career and wishes her best to the Stanford community. she will now enjoy her retirement with her beloved family."

We wish Birja a Happy Retirement! Thank you for all that you have done at Stanford Health Care. Please come back to visit us if you happened to be in the area.

Birja's family  joining the celebration
Left to Right: Vijay and Birja

Left to right: Vineeta, Vimal and Birja
Left to right: Birja, Andrew and Beth

Birja with her Retirement cake

Left to right (Back): Ramona, Om, Birja, Erika and Vineeta
Front: Chand

Left to Right: Vijay, Birja, Simon and Chand

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