Friday, January 13, 2017

" A smile is a Curve that Sets Everything Straight"

Christine Guzman

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight"- Phyllis Diller

I happened to go to the Patient Transport department this afternoon and saw this wonderful quote on the department vis wall. Christien Guzman, Patient Transport lead, who was in charge of the department huddle and vis wall this week wrote this wonderful quote to inspire his colleagues.

When I asked Chris, what inspired him to write this quote, his answer brought a smile to my face. He said "Coming to work and seeing patients faces and reactions when introducing ourselves is what inspred me to come up with this quote" I asked Chris how did he applies this quote in his work, he replied" It is important to greet patients with a smile because it gives a sense of connection and comfort to any individual who may be dealing with life threatening illnesses"

Christien- Thank you for inspiring me with your quote.  Thank you for putting patients at the heart of everything we do!


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