Friday, December 23, 2016

Holiday Potluck celebration at Stanford Health Care Environmental Services Department

The Environmental Services Department at Stanford Health Care celebrates the holiday seasons with a Holiday Pot luck yesterday.

Colleagues were encouraged to bring ethnic food for everyone to sample. What a great way to learn about diversity while sampling the different types of cuisines.

The event was filled with a lot of laughter and joy! Colleagues also had the opportunity to take pictures in front of the Christmas tree in the Hospital Atrium.

Wishing everyone a Happy Holidays!

Left to right (Sitting) : Virginia, Karla, Patricia, Sangeeta and Meseret
Left to right (Standing): Yanira, Beth and Simon  

Left to Right: Elvin and Dran

Left to Right: Jerry, Nat, Yanira, Margarita and Robert 

Left to Right: Jaime, Reyna, Agustin and Meseret

Left to Righ: Rosalyn and Vijay

Left to Right: Rosa R andWhitney 

Left to Right: Vineeta and Om

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