Monday, June 4, 2018

EVS May Birthdays Celebration, Cinco De Mayo and Recognition

MAY is an exciting month for the Environmental Services department (EVS).  EVS team started off by celebrating Cinco De Mayo with some delicious pastries for our team.  Our employees had a great time enjoying the pastries and socializing with each other.  The office was decorated with Mexican flags, and photos of Cinco De Mayo celebration.  We also celebrated May birthdays with a Sunflower theme mango flavored cake.  Everyone enjoy the delicious flavor and Sunflower decorations
brightened everyone’s day. 

                                           Mr. Nataniel during EVS Cinco De Mayo Celebration


 EVS May Birthdays Celebration 

Employee Recognition, Ms. Maria Luisa

A shout out to the lovely Ms. Maria Luisa.  Ms. Maria picked up a pocket book from OR that has money inside which she immediately returned to the OR Manager.  The OR Manager was so happy and gave Ms. Maria a big hug, and thanked her.  Later that afternoon, an OR Nurse thanked Ms. Maria for returning her pocket book.  Ms. Maria was also nominated for the 2017 Thomas A. Gonda Award.  She is one of many Stanford employees that has made a significant impact daily at work through her excellent practice of Stanford C-I Care service. Thank you for all that you do Maria Luisa! We are so proud of you!