Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Happy Retirement Dominador!

Dominador Crisostomo has worked in the Environmental Services Department (EVS) at Stanford Health Care for 10 years and retired on Wednesday, 7/5/17. Last Friday, June 30, the blood transfusion lab, Dominador's assigned work area, organized a retirement party for him.   

According to Dominador, he will spend time with his family and friends in California and the Philippines after his retirement. 

He would like to thank all Environmental Services and blood transfusion lab colleagues for their friendship and kind assistance extend to him during his career at Stanford Health Care. He will miss everyone and wishes his best to the Stanford community.  

We wish Dominador a Happy Retirement! Thank you for all that you had done at Stanford Health Care. Please come back to visit us if you happened to be in the area.

Happy retirement Dominador!

Dominador with the blood transfusion lab and Environmental Services department management team